Cov khoom
SWD9526 ib feem tuab zaj duab xis polyurea
SWD9526 yog ib qho kev tivthaiv uas muaj ntxhiab tuab zaj duab xis polyurea anticorrosion waterproof txheej khoom.Nws kho kom tsim tau cov ntaub ntawv tuab tuab uas muab cov nplaum nplaum zoo heev nrog cov pob zeb thiab cov qauv hlau, yooj yim rau kev thov yam tsis xav tau tshwj xeeb polyurea tshuaj tsuag tshuab.Vim yog cov qauv tshuaj tshwj xeeb, nws yog ib qho khoom siv zoo tshaj plaws rau kev tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv corrosion nrog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv siab thiab kev tiv thaiv dej.Lub siab elasticity thiab siab zog ua rau nws tsim nyog rau lub tsev phab ntsa waterproof, sealing dej ntawm cov qauv tawg thiab expansion sib koom ua ke, anti-seepage thiab leak stopping ntawm harbor docks thiab dams.
SWD9522 ib leeg tivthaiv polyurea muaj hnav anticorrosion pem teb txheej
SWD9522 yog ib qho kev tivthaiv uas muaj ntxhiab polyurea anticorrosion wearable txheej, nws yog sib xws nrog pob zeb substrate thiab epoxy, polyurethane txheej zaj duab xis.Nrog nws cov qauv tshuaj tshwj xeeb, nws muaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv zoo heev thiab cov cuab yeej tiv thaiv corrosion, siab zog, siab elasticity uas ua rau cov txheej txheem ua kom puas, cuam tshuam thiab khawb tsis kam, kom tsis txhob muaj pob zeb tawg los ntawm kev cuam tshuam thiab tawg lub zog, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tsim rau daim ntawv thov kev lag luam chemical, luam ntawv thiab dyeing, kev lag luam kws tshuaj.Nws dhau qhov kev xeem khoom noj khoom haus uas muaj kev nyab xeeb rau cov khoom noj ua lag luam daim ntawv thov teb.Nws muaj ntau yam xim raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau los kho cov ntawv thov cov haujlwm.
SWD952 ib leeg tiv thaiv polyurea waterproof anticorrosion tiv thaiv txheej
SWD952 yog ib qho kev tivthaiv uas muaj ntxhiab polyurea waterproof anti-corrosion tiv thaiv txheej, nws muaj zog adhesion zoo nrog ntau yam substrate.Vim nws cov qauv tshuaj tshwj xeeb, cov khoom lag luam tsis yog tsuas yog muaj kev tiv thaiv zoo heev rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv corrosion nruab nrab, tab sis kuj muaj elasticity zoo heev, siab zog, abrasion tsis kam, cuam tshuam tsis kam, khawb kuj thiab lwm yam khoom ntawm lub cev.
SWD562 txias tshuaj tsuag polyurea elastomer anticorrosion waterproof abrasion kuj txheej
Spray polyurea yog cov kuab tshuaj tsis muaj kuab paug, tsis muaj kuab paug ntsuab, nws tau siv rau ntau qhov haujlwm loj ntawm kev tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv dej tsis zoo vim nws lub cev muaj zog thiab tiv thaiv corrosion.Tab sis nyob rau hauv ib txwm muaj xwm txheej, tshuaj tsuag polyurea yuav tsum tau siv nrog lub tshuab tshwj xeeb uas yuav tsum tau ob puas txhiab RMB, thiab muaj kev thov siab ntawm cov neeg thov kev muaj peev xwm, yog li nws ua rau qee qhov tsis yooj yim rau daim ntawv thov polyurea.SWD Urethane USA tau tsim ib qho yooj yim-applied txias polyurea, nws yog ib tug revolutionary khoom nyob rau hauv polyurea kev lag luam uas hloov kho tib neeg txoj kev nkag siab ntawm polyurea technology, uas tsim lub sij hawm rau lub dav daim ntawv thov scopes ntawm tshuaj tsuag polyurea.
SWD9515 cog ru tsev hauv paus puncture kuj tshwj xeeb polyurea waterproof txheej
SWD9515 yog 100% cov ntsiab lus uas muaj ntxhiab polyurethane elastomer.Nws muaj kev tiv thaiv zoo heev, nkag mus ua haujlwm, tiv thaiv corrosion thiab dej tsis zoo, uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov cag ntoo, kom tsis txhob muaj dej los ntawm cov nroj tsuag.SWD polyurea tau siv dav hauv cov phiaj xwm ru tsev cog hauv Suav teb thiab txawv teb chaws.
SWD9514 Movie props appliance and speaker tshwj xeeb polyurea tiv thaiv txheej
SWD9514 yog 100% cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov tshuaj tsw qab polyurea elastomer.Nws sib raug zoo nrog cov ntaub ntawv ntoo uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov neeg hais lus siab kawg hauv kev ua yeeb yam, xinesmas, auditorium, lub rooj sib tham thiab lwm qhov chaw pej xeem.Nws tiv thaiv cov neeg hais lus los ntawm kev puas tsuaj ntawm kev sib tsoo thiab puas thiab lav nws lub suab zoo.SWD9514 polyurea kuj tseem tsim nyog rau kev kho kom zoo nkauj tiv thaiv zaj duab xis props thiab chaw ua si.
SWD9513 tsheb txaj liner tshwj xeeb polyurea hnav tiv thaiv txheej
SWD9513 yog 100% cov khoom muaj ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab polyurea elastomer.Vim muaj kev thauj mus los tsis tu ncua ntawm kev thauj khoom thiab tso tawm ntawm cov khoom thauj, lub thawv tsheb thauj khoom tau yooj yim puas los ntawm kev cuam tshuam hnyav, kev sib tsoo thiab hnav lub zog.Cov txheej txheej ib txwm tuaj yeem kho lub txaj tsheb es tsis txhob tiv thaiv nws zoo.Lub txaj liner ntawm lub tsheb tshiab feem ntau raug rhuav tshem hauv tsawg dua 1 xyoos tom qab thov.Spray polyurethane elastomer tau tsim kho cov tshuaj tshiab rau kev tiv thaiv tsheb thauj khoom.Nws tau siv dav hauv kev lag luam tsheb tsim khoom hauv Asmeskas nrog lub koob npe zoo.
SWD9512 petrochemical heavy-duty tshwj xeeb polyurea los tiv thaiv corrosion tiv thaiv txheej
SWD9512 yog 100% cov khoom muaj ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab polyurea elastomer.SWD Urethane US Co., ua haujlwm nrog cov chaw tshawb fawb loj thiab tsim cov khoom siv hnyav hnyav rau kev lag luam petrochemical raws li cov khoom siv polyurea ib txwm muaj.Cov khoom siv tau siv dav hauv Asmeskas thaj tsam thiab tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo tiv thaiv corrosion.
SWD9014 SPUA potable water anticorrosion waterproof txheej khoom
SWD900 SPUA potable water anticorrosion waterproof coating is a polymer reacted by Isocyanate (part A) thiab Amino compound (part B).Cov txheej txheem txheej txheem yog imported los ntawm SWD Urethane Tuam Txhab, cov khoom siv raw thiab cov txheej txheem tsim khoom tau txais yuav tsis muaj kev phom sij thiab tsis muaj tshuaj lom, nws ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau muaj ntawm Cov Khoom Siv Dej Haus thiab tau txais Daim Ntawv Tso Cai Noj Qab Haus Huv ntawm Ministry of chemical Industry.Cov qauv ua haujlwm yog (Jiangsu) cov dej huv (2016) tus lej 3200-0005.Ua raws li cov txheej txheem siab, cov txheej txheem dej, cov hluav taws xob kho tau cov txheej txheem, cov hmoov txheej thiab lwm cov txheej txheem qis (tsis muaj) cov pa phem, Txau Polyurea Elastomer (luv luv li SPUA) thev naus laus zis yog cov kuab tshuaj tshiab, tsis muaj kuab paug tsis muaj kuab lom ntsuab siv tshuab uas yog tsim los ua kom tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua ntawm ib puag ncig hauv ze li ob xyoo caum txawv teb chaws.Nws tau siv rau hauv cov kav dej haus, cov tso tsheb hlau luam thiab cov dej tso tsheb hlau luam uas ua tau raws li cov qauv kev noj zaub mov, nrog rau nws cov dej tsis zoo, tiv thaiv corrosion thiab muaj peev xwm tiv thaiv, nrog rau kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig, tsis muaj kuab paug tsis huv.
SWD9013 pem teb tshwj xeeb polyurea hnav anticorrosion tiv thaiv txheej
SWD9013 pem teb tshwj xeeb polyurea yog 100% cov ntsiab lus muaj ntxhiab polyurea elastomer.Nws muaj qhov ua tau zoo heev thiab ua haujlwm tsis zoo, piv nrog cov tsoos epoxy thiab carborundum pem teb txheej yuav nyuaj heev thiab tsis yooj yim, cov txheej no yog qhov cuam tshuam thiab hnav.Nws kuj tau siv rau hauv kev ua zaub mov thiab chaw ua tshuaj flooring vim nws yog 100% cov ntsiab lus, tsis muaj hnyav.
SWD9007 tsheb ciav hlau qhov tshwj xeeb hluav taws kub retardant polyurea anticorrosion tiv thaiv txheej
SWD9007 tsheb ciav hlau qhov tshwj xeeb hluav taws kub retardant polyurea yog 100% cov ntsiab lus uas muaj ntxhiab polyurea elastomer.Nws tsis tsuas yog muaj lub cev zoo heev ntawm polyurea, tab sis kuj tuaj yeem tua tau txoj cai tom qab raug deviated los ntawm hluav taws, tam sim no nws tau siv dav hauv Suav qhov project.
SWD8032 hnyav dawb polyaspartic anticorrosion txheej
SWD8032 yog ib qho hnyav dawb polyaspartic txheej
SWD8032 yog ob lub ntsiab lus ua tau zoo los tiv thaiv corrosion sab saum toj txheej, nrog aliphatic polyaspartic resin prepolymer ua cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb hauv zaj duab xis, nrog rau cov dej cawv zoo heev, kev hloov xim thiab huab cua tsis kam.